Saturday 9 May 2009

Day 228

Today was really good.  I went to Jack's at 8 (cos he stayed in Brighton for me; it's kinda fair..) and ate egg fried rice, then introduced myself to Al and said hi to whatsisface and Debbie (Jack's mum).
We then went round my mum's, and went to Lee Miller's house, Farley Farm, with Peter also.  It was really cool; I love Lee Miller's work.  It's interesting seeing what other people find interesting.  Like my mum loved a photo of Picasso which i thought was kinda uninteresting, but i loved a photo of two guys with their faces pressed against glass.
The people at the place were crap.  Constantly going "mmm" and nodding like they were hearing things they already knew.  Srsly, if you know it, then eff off and give yourself a tour.
We had a pub lunch after which i thought I was going to be sick - even though the major tell-tale sign was not there - but was alright.  Jack was really nice then; I was expecting him to be like your average person and make an excuse to stay away a bit, but he put his arm around me and made sure I was alright, which I really, really appreciate.
We stopped at Beachy Head on the way home, so Jack and I walked to the top then down to the beach where we lay with our heads under his coat for a while.  Apparently my mum and Peter took photos of us.  That's weird.
Then we went home, watched Christina vs. Britney for a while, then arsed around a bit generally.  Jack then had to go, which was a shame.  Didn't feel right without him.  I know it sounds crap, and I apologise for it.
So...yes.  Brilliant day.
Kinda blissful..

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