Sunday 6 December 2009

Day 3 of the week

Today was similar to the one before but in a less so type way. Alice and I did the 2 hour ride which was really good -there weren't many people and it went really quickly. Alice liked the views which was very good. After, we had a big lunch before I did a bit of homework, Alice made Crème Brulée and then we went to town to pick up a lamp which Alice bought for her brother the day before. We then went straight to the pier where we met Simon, Ellie and Millie along with Simon and Ellie's exchange partners, both of whom Alice knew (they were Marine (?) and Clermont - they were both really nice.) We raved it up in the haunted house, acting scared for no reason, then went on the waltzers which were FUCKING AWESOME. Then because the haunted house was so shite we all got free goes on the dodgems!! It was amazing dude. We ignored the "plod around in a circle" rule and the guy running it didn't bother trying to correct us. Good times. Then Alice, Millie and I left and met Connor at the station with awesome timing because he was just coming out when we arrived. We all went home and sat around talking which was awesome but I was really worried that we were excluding Alice... I didn't know what to say to change it. We had a big dinner (Me, Millie, Connor, Alice, Pod, Mum and Dave) then played Rummikub til Millie had to go home. I thought that Connor's train was at 10 past 10 so I left to walk him there, after getting pissed off by my mum saying that Pod and me being out after dark was 'different' due to our genders. Ridicularse.
So we walked up Crocodile Walk, said bye to Millie, then went to the station. I got him in trouble because his train was actually a replacement bus and at 20 to 11. Shit.
However, spending that time with him was rather agreeable. Dave and Mum an dMillie like him, so it's going well. I'm glad. He just has the test of the father....not to mention anyone else. I swear, everyone is interested in meeting him XD
Well, I leave you for the night which was going to be early now.

(don't we look like the biggest mugs you've ever seen?)

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