Friday, 22 February 2013

Day 37.

Very, very loved up.. & ecstatic about it.

Slept in because Georgie did Nomad for me, then went up to Event Management where I had the best lecture because we were planning an event, it was awesome. Then Deri picked me up and we got Lottie, who we bought to the bottom of the hill to mine where we got my kite and had bacon sandwiches. Then we went for an adventure.

We drove down the Elan Valley again and showed Lottie just what she had needed to be shown because she wasn't at her happiest.

We stopped at the same dam we had before and walked across it, Deri educating Lottie and me about Wales and what was there as we went. Fascinating stuff.
On the way back across Lottie decided that she wanted a photo of Deri and I walking off hand in hand, so we ran across and pretended to drive off without her :)

We explored an old church that seemed haunted and romantically gothic. It was beautiful; Deri and I plan to go for a service there (not that I would understand anything really, apart from 'cariad' which is all I seem to pick up on and probably wouldn't be present much as it means 'love'). Lottie took our photo standing under an arch; damn that felt weird.

One of the best moments was reaching a fork in the road with two roads which could be driven down... Both of them were dead ends. We drove down one until Deri realised the other would be better, so went for that one instead. I have never been somewhere so beautiful. We sat in the car and each had a smoke watching the sun begin to set across a deep lake, light glimmering at the surface. It was stunning.

Driving back through the sunset we watched the sun illuminate hills to the colour of copper, excited for every next  turn.

Deri made me cry laughing by saying "are you saying I'm not the cutest girl in the world?" through a mouth full of cookie.

In the evening Deri and I went to a gig by the Budapest Cafe Club (I think??) at the arts centre which was amazing. Henrik was there with a French girl who was lovely, so we went to have a drink afterwards with them and had a really good time. Very chilled.
Then, free cider from Kyle the builder, a chat with Yogi about everything, and bed. One of the best days ever.

I do adore my boy. I told him a lot of what I thought that night, too. I can't believe I did that.. But I quite like that he knows. Now he knows that we're on the same page; it's not just him.


1 comment:

Katy Shaw said...

i was gonna comment on this via facebook but then i realised i would have to explain what i was talking about so i'll comment here instead XD

no.1: "lottie took our photo standing under an arch; damn that felt weird"
this made me laugh - i'm assuming it felt weird because you guys had a photo taken standing under a church arch a-la weddings? the one time me and alex went in a church together was for a carol service - weddings did not once pop into either of our heads yet if we're at a pretty beach or forest you can guarantee it will be mentioned which i think says a lot about our taste XD

no.2: you told him he wasn't the cutest girl in the world because I'M the cutest girl in the world, amiright? :P

no.3: nyaww you're so cute and happy :)