Friday, 18 January 2013

Day 2.


I came up to university to make sure that I updated my CV and printed job applications before doing a shedload of revision. It's taken longer than expected, though: I've been here for 2 hours and all I've done is update my CV and print a couple of things I need... It took a while.

I didn't end up getting revision done. I did get shouted at by my landlady though. And my yard manager. I was seriously glad that the boy was there... He got concerned because I didn't have a big fuck off grin on him, bless him.

I've pissed off my housemate too. You see, my landlady inspected our house before new year so I assumed that the second time I left it wouldn't be much problem and there was no particular need to clean the house top to bottom. However, she came back when I was in Colchester and saw the house was messy and didn't approve. Then it was also messy when she came to inspect it this time, or at least my room was, and got pissed off and said that if it's that messy again we'll be given notice.
So now my housemate blames me (obviously, it's my fault) and is sitting in her room avoiding me. Fab. I've cleaned the bathroom and kitchen though, and will just make sure to actually keep on top of stuff. I knew I was letting things slip and was going to sort everything out already... I'm just annoyed at myself for annoying my best friend in Aberystwyth to the point where she tweets "Will I come back next year, and if I do, where will I live?" - or words to that effect.
Fail, Cait.

Anyway. Photo is from the night out I went on, taken after midnight so it's all good. Nice stain there, isn't it... Oops.

Time to get on with stuff.

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