sorry about this photo, i know it's beyond gross.
Morning all. i feel properly rough today, haven't gone to lectures because of that. might have to go to the doctor's so that i can be excused, because i'll need a doctor's note, but i'm not really that level of ill. I also don't know where my doctor's surgery is and can't afford £6 for a taxi to and from town... so that's that, i guess.
on the good side, my man the viking is ever so sweet. he said that he wished he could take care of me (he can't because he's all clever and stuff so has like a million essays to do for really soon) and that he thinks we're getting to know each other really well... he seems to be a lot of what i've hoped for before. fingers crossed this doesn't fuck up. i really hope it won't. it doesn't feel like it will - it feels too much like what i've hoped for. honestly, the only thing that worries me is "what happens in three years?" - when we leave uni. i'm sure that if it's meant to be, it will be, though. so fingers crossed. big time. that's one of the things that i like about him.. because i knew him before we were together, i feel like i know a real, genuine version of him, unlike with chris, i don't worry that he'll change in a couple of months. it's good. it's good feeling this secure. so, so good.
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