Damn, too cool for school! ... Hence why I'm at uni. I went to lectures wearing sheep slippers, this here night cap and matching trousers that I stole off the Viking today, as well as my flatmate's hoody. I should really wear my own clothes more.
Debating whether or not to buy this onesie: http://www.kigs.co.uk/adult-animal-costumes/27-panda-costume.html ... it'd be beyond awesome, but i can't afford it really.... then again, i've not spent much this week.... HMM.
Anyway. Today's been pretty alright, mostly because I've been wearing PJs all day. It's a good way of doing loads but still feeling like you've done nothing, I'm not gna lie. I do, however, also feel lazy because of it, even though I've been at the stables mucking out for 2 hours, learning shit about a progressive riding test (it sounds like a waste of time, tbh), in a business lesson for 2 hours (i'm going to fail), been writing an anatomy lab repot, and have been playing Odd Socks on Facebook loads. It's addictive and lame. So lame that my friend Alice called me lame. That's not a good sign.
It's this evening that I'm looking forwards to. The viking's coming round, I'll cook for him (even though I have shit all food... I'll have to pop to the shop!) then we'll watch Sweeny Todd because it's awesome. Then I'll get a lie in with him tomorrow (unless he has to get up early.. I hope he doesn't.. but think he does.. d'oh) which is always awesome. I wake up happy when it's with him. Genuinely, I usually wake up pretty "meh", but every morning I'm with him I'm happy. It's pretty awesome, it must be said. It's weird to think that we've only been together about a month; it feels longer than that, because i'm so comfortable and relaxed around him. It's almost like it's too easy for the beginning of a relationship. But I'm not complaining. It feels fantastic.
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