This was actually taken 5 ays ago, I'm not gna lie. I just cba to take one at the moment, because I'm ill and really hot because I'm trying to sweat out a fever. Sexy, innit. This was after the UV party and before the shower which followed. Damn, that was a good night.
So update:
On Wednesday I saw my brother again! This was when I was illest (of course. I'd been fine until that morning then woke up with swollen glands.. ridiculous) We went to Frank Turner and it was as amazing as ever. He's bloody brilliant, and seems to get better every time we see him live. He played Photosynthesis as his last track and it was amazing, he controlled the audience so well! There was a surprising lack of pits though, which I could see because I was sitting down for most of it because everything hurt (-.-)
We stayed in Newport, where the gig was, overnight which was my dad's birthday present to me (FT was Pod's) and I slept in a double bed! Oh my, it was weird. I slept diagonally most of the night, and kept on waking up in weirder positions than the last time.
We then got the train back to Aber and had a curry after Pod met Henrik, who's lent me a scarf which is brilliant tbh. They seemed to get on well, and Pod liked him, yey. And mum sent him a text that eve saying "Have you met Henrik??????" which is hilariously enthusiastic.
We watched Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist (cute) then Mr and Mrs Smith, which I made myself fall asleep in. I slept badly. I miss sleeping with the Viking already, but it's probably just as well that I'm not because I'd disturb him so much with the amount that i'm tossing and turning and waking and whatnot... and that wouldn't be great. He is very cute though. Going out with him and some other people tonight which I look forwards to (I fucking dread tomorrow though - feel rough already and out with Pod? Oh gawd), not least because it means that I can get some hugs. Just don't want to infect him though, as that'd be so darn crap.
Well, B Colon is late showing up here which means that I'll have to be ready when she does. So I'm gonna go. Bye, y'all.