Well, an odd day, with a load of stuff going through my head...if you're really unlucky it'll end up here.
I can't really remember much of the day at school (I'm getting quite bad at this =/) but then had to go to the RIC (i.e. library) after school so dragged Jordan along. Jess T. was there which I found amusing but I don't think either of them noticed, which spoiled all my fun.
Then walked home with Jordan, as with many childish and amusing conversations, then found out Oli couldn't come round, which annoyed me especially because I expected it, but had pushed it to the very very back of my mind because I didn't want to think about it, along with the cobwebbed boxes of sheep.
Then didn't much feel like talking to people, so I .. didn't. I had to talk to Kaitey a bit and she made me feel better just by doing "aww, poor Cat =[" or soemthing..she's awesome. Lovelove<3.>
I cba to find where i put about the picture
Yay! Photo!
1 comment:
I'll come to Brighton on your birthday and you can buy lottery tickets. You can cheer me up about the lack of fucking Halloween party on the Friday :(
*hugs* I'm pleased I'm awesome.
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