Boring picture, good day.
I went out for breakfast with Livvie, Caz, and Millie and meant to put up one of the pics Livvie took, but haven't got it. If I get it then I'll change this one for it, as it's better.
Anyway, that was good.
Then I went home and did art and spent fifteen quid at Fullertons (!) and said hello to Oli on the way home...then gave him a hug and organised to see him before judo tomorrow and then said baba and went on my way. Did some art but I'm nowhere near finishing.
Then I went to Hamsey!
At the bus stop I became liek, an old lady guru (in English that means that two of them asked me about the bus stops because there's road works)...but hey.
Before the lesson, I was with these two kids and Louise, who rode with me. There was also some boy sitting across the yard on the bench, laughing at me or something. Weird kid, he was. I smiled at him but he never came over. Oh well, my life does not lack.
Anyway, Louise and I were entertaining these lil kids who were terrified of a horse biting them and were going through the "why" phrase, and asked SO MUCH about Max and Goulie - they being the evils of the yard. It was kiiina sweet but quite annoying. The little girl (there was a girl and boy) did the most brilliant fall though, she sort of overtook her legs...it was genius.
Anyway, all that talk of Gou almost made me wanna ride him..but i'm not quite that crazy; we were over in the jumping field after all.
Yes. Well. Then we got on and all that, and walked up the lane to warm up, which was cool cause it meant we had a solid half hour of jumping. Only two rounds, but hey ho. Ben's a superstar. I got a couple of dodgy strides, and there are a couple of fences he doesn't like, but because they went wrong they were rectified the next time round. Louise was pretty good, didn't seem as confident as she quite should be...
Yes. Then we went home, yes yes, and all that. Found out Kate and Georgina are leaving, which suckses =((
Hopefully they'll be able to stick around.
NOW yes, i've just finished eating yes, and am talking to Kaitey and looking at pictures of Russell Brand. LOVELOVELOVE!!! =D
Imma loving him attm.
There are some genius photos.....
But yes.
Time for me to go.
1 comment:
Russell Brand AND Noel Fielding. The latter being the sexiest. Nom.
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