Ooh it's been a good day.
Or it was - it's actually Monday that i'm writing about it 'cause I got in quite late last night.
Anyway. I slept at Alice's and woke up about nine or something, having had a really weird dream, in part of which her mum was looking for me through a telescope. We watched kids TV for not very long, then went to Caffé Nero for breakkie, which was delicious - tuna melt and hot choc..mmmm. Hot chocolate be my looove.
When we got back, Alice dyed her hair and I watched Hairspray, taking notes for overdue English c/w. Then she came back in looking like a pink ET (vair amusant) and we tried to learn the Hairspray dances (there are tutorials ;])...it didn't go well!
We then had pizza and watched a bit of enchanted (-.- .. it's crap...) then drove to Haywards Heath, got the train, got off at Hove (wild!) and went to my dad's, where we spent an hour nattering to Kaitey and slagging people off (mostly from their bebos..rock on), then Pod gave us a lift to C2, where we saw two crap bands, then one alright one, then one slightly less crap one (who was the headline act. Lol.) Helen then picked us up from the end of the pier and took me home, and then went home with Alice.
It was a great night - I need to see that ole Alicey more =]