i know it's out of focus, but i really rather like it <3
It's amazing how scared I get sometimes. I'm scared that I care for the Viking more than he does for me. I know that it's not true because it's just that we have different values; different perceptions of the importance of certain things. Like love. I see it as important, as a statement of what I feel. I wish I wasn't scared. I'm actually not, I actually feel quite excited about everything. I'm just hoping that I can have Henrik in my life for, well, ever (which is not something I say often; I don't believe in 'forever' much...) and if I'm not in a relationship with him then I hope that I can find someone who makes me as happy as he has the ability to make me.
Anyway, that is so not the point.
We went to Ireland and got back yesterday. It was amazing, I had such a fantastic time. It was just what I needed, and it was so good to get to spend time with my boy.
On the evening of the thirteenth, I saw Frank Turner live with Pod, which was beyond amazing! We then went to Scroobius Pip, where I got a hug and a photo with him - it was fantastic! Did get really rather drunk though, it must be said.
Anyway. On the fourteenth, we arrived in the hotel and quickly left to go and have a Guinness in the pub down the road. It was a pleasant journey; Ryan Air really doesn't seem to be as bad as people make it out to be.. Though maybe that's just because I'm short enough for the seats.
The hotel wasn't the best thing in the world, but we paid less than £132 for the hotel and the flights over together, so we got what we paid for and I'm not complaining really! We hardly spent any time there, anyway.
We woke up early on the fifteenth to give Henrik his present related things & say happy birthday before getting out quickly. Little did we realise that nothing in Dublin opens until midday on Sundays, so there was no real point in having gone so early. It did mean that we got to tourist information early, so got a map which meant we could look around Trinity College and Oscar Wilde's memorial garden, and get something to eat, before going to see the Book of Kells. It was open on a pretty good page, too, with two drawings.. Very pretty. We then went to the Guinness Brewery where we looked around before having a pint in the amazing Gravity Bar, which is at the top of the huge Storehouse, giving a 360ยบ view of Dublin. It was pretty cool, to say the least. I then pulled my first pint, which was ever so exciting.. Though Henrik didn't approve because I got too distracted by trying to make a shamrock to push the lever instead of pulling it for the last bit of the pint - tut tut! I did get a certificate though, ooah!
After, we went for a plate of Nachos before wandering around looking for somewhere to eat. We found this really nice place called Kitchen which did a deal of €20 for a 3 course meal; I don't think you can get better to be honest! I felt really ill during it, probably because my body is so fail of late, but the waitress was really lovely and put my meal into boxes for me to take with me. She put H's desert in one too; and even gave him some raspberries, which I thought was lovely of her :)
We then went back to the hotel and chilled with cuddles and TV (ooh, wild!) until we went to bed later.
On the sixteenth, we checked the bus times and whatnot before making our way to the Jameson distillery, where we got free glasses of Jameson and H got to taste test it, which resulted in an exciting old certificate! We then got food and wandered around a bit before getting the bus up to Hillsborough to see Nana and Norman. It was really lovely to see them; I was really glad to see how well they're doing and how happy they seem together. We had dinner with them, Gilbert, Carol and Muirgan, which was also lovely; I had a really nice conversation with Carol while H was charming Nana and Norman in that way he seems to have. She seems very happy to be with Gilbert; very looked after and cared for, which must be really lovely given that she used to be the one doing the looking after. Seems something like me, oddly enough. Well, I assume that's odd; I don't know.
Anyway, we went to bed relatively early and slept separately, which felt really rather odd to be honest, but it was definitely worth it to keep N&N happier!
On the seventeenth we walked around H'borough and I took him for a walk around the lake, and we decided to..explore a forest hah. Good times! We then walked back to N&N's for lunch before going to Belfast for a Black Taxi Tour which they paid for. It was amazing, really interesting, just a shame that we didn't have longer; if I'd realised quite how good it is then I would've gone earlier!
From there we went to Dromore, to see Katy, which was really lovely. She made us a really lovely meal and it was great to see her and spend time with her. Same applied for everyone, really!
Norman gave us a lift back then I made it apparent to him how I feel about him..
On Wednesday, the 18th, we left early and spent the whole day traveling and talking and, in my case, kipping on him. And that night, I told him how I feel about him in so many ways. And I'm very glad that I did. I said it to Alice today: now, if I get hit by a car, then at least everyone I love knows that I love them!
Now I would just like him to toddle back from town, because I'd like a cuddle! :)
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