Photography today was good because all I did was edit George's head coming out of a horse's butt and laugh very very hard when james edited the head of a woman (from a previous in-joke) onto a cherry. It was daaamn funny. French was kinda crap because we had Suzy and she's kinda crap, but I did learn that someone or other did something or other with testosterone in the 2007 tour de france. Exciting stuff ey?! I then went with Charli to reception where I found Connor, gave Charli a hug then went to Connor's. It was goood times, he makes me laugh a lot and we had pizza with cheese in the crust. Crazy days or what!
We then walked around Newhaven for a bit, bought some cookies, then I caught the 5.30 train homes. I was home for an hour and a half or so before Dad and I went to get Alice from Lewes as she'd been to London to watch Oliver! the musical.
I had an early night cause I was really fucking tired, which is why this is late to be updated.
it was a great photography journey ... however it was really tired ... keep it up girl...
hey cat's place.this is vikas from india. i think it is a piece of great photography.i like it.check my blog vikas10011990.blogspot.com $ vikasbikku.blogspot.com...nice work.
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