I've had a really good weekend. Like, really good.
On Friday I went out with Alice and we ditched my flat, spent time with her's, I saw a guy I've not seen for ages, saw Henrik's friends, got Henrik's friends to save me from the guy who lent me the bow tie and glasses in the picture, saw Frank, danced with Frank for about 2 hours. It was mint!
On Saturday I spent the morning forcing my Viking to stay in bed with me. It was totally worth it, I really enjoyed it. I like to think that he thought it was worth missing out on his working time for. At 3.30 I went to meet Dad from the station and didn't buy him a pint in Beechings (I offered to buy but he quite rightly pointed out that it would end up being paid for by him indirectly so he may as well just pay). Then we walked to Yr Hafford, where he stayed, beside the castle and left his bag there and filled my bags with goodies (which we left there for Sunday, when we could pick them up in a taxi). We then walked along the prom (sort of, but it was pretty shit weather) towards Pier Street where we looked at Sports Direct, where we went on Sunday, and the restaurant we wanted to go to but ended up not. We went for another pint, this one in Harry's, where I had a little natter with Cookie which is always nice. We were then starving so wandered along looking in a couple of restaurants until we found one which was a nice Chinese I've forgotten the name of. H met us here and we munched away which was grand.
When we departed from my Dad he said "take care of her".. I thought it was sweet. He's so aware of me. Like he said at one point how much I had wanted him to approve of H at Christmas. I did, ofc, and I like that he knows that.
On Sunday I met Dad at 10am at his hotel, having taken a few snaps of the castle and surrounding area. We went to Sports Direct, bought me running shoes, leggings, socks and awesome boots, then went to Co-op for a massive shop. Dad then paid for a taxi back up to mine with the food and we stopped at YH on the way back, as mentioned, so that we could pick up the stuff he'd brought me... shampoo, conditioner (left over from his bathroom); flapjacks and brownies that moma made me; and a whole lot more besides.
WOW I forgot that I'd started this post! It was ages ago (well, about a week..)!...guess I better finish it really.
We dropped stuff off at my flat, unpacked and then went to the yard where I had a half hour lesson with Shelley on Kestrel (love Shelley, not so much Kestrel). It was good - I had to ride a 3 loop serpentine but she didn't make it easy by putting the jumps at the right angle, so that she could teach me more about lines!
We went out for dinner and whatnot and had quite a bit to drink and I was really, really upset when he left; I cried all the way home.
It was fantastic to see him, though.
Since then, I've had my results (71, 67, 64 - tidy!) and have been told I can enter a show jumping competition on Mac on the 3rd of March! I'm so excited!!
Now, however, it's off out for Mike's birthday. Should be good, though it'll have to be an early one!
Now, however, it's off out for Mike's birthday. Should be good, though it'll have to be an early one!
Big love, beautifuls.