Myself and his beautiful Vikingness.
We went to London and had a photo spasm briefly, which is what you can see. He came down to Brighton to visit me on the 4th. I wasn't at the airport when he arrived because I missed my train......what a wanker I am. I was well excited for that movie-like moment too.
We had an amazing time though. I've never spent so long with someone without going mad. We've been together a lot since, too, which is pretty awesome. Had a really lovely night last night.. I was pretty hyper and he was as weird as ever!... good times like. :)
I've started lectures again now, and although "Land Use" is the most useless module I've ever encountered, I'm really enjoying them. Like really, really enjoying them. Brilliant stuff!
Ummm my mum broke up with her boyfriend and is sending me emo texts which is pretty tricky. I mean. I don't know what's best for her, what to say to her. I know what I think but I'm not sure that she wants to. I've told her that I agree with things she's said when they've been "on breaks" before, but I don't know if that's enough really. This is very odd.
I find it hard enough to pick up the pieces of anyone.. I don't know. I feel in over my head at the moment - for literally no reason. Yes, I have a lot of work that I need to crack on with, but I'm on it really. It's just that I find it hard to be there for people sometimes and I've had to a lot. I'll just try to remember that I need to care for myself, too. We'll see, I suppose.
/Emo moment.
Stuff is good, I'm not gonna lie. I'm lucky to have my Viking, my friends are amazing, I'm enjoying the majority of my course, and I love Aber.
Mint :) xo